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Why Choose Medium Desity Fiberboard

MDF is widely used in making floors, doors, and furniture. It is processed by wood fibers. Here we will introduce you some advantages of MDF.

1. Hard density board can be made into sound-absorbing board after punching and drilling, which can be used in building decoration.

2. MDF can be painting. All kinds of coatings and paints can be applied on the density board, which is the first choice for the paint.

3. MDF is a beautiful decorative board.

4. Various materials such as veneer, printing paper, PVC, adhesive tape film, melamine impregnated paper and light metal sheet can all be veneered on density board.

5. Excellent physical properties without dehydration problem.

The above is advantages of MDF. If you have any requirements for MDF, please feel free contact us. We have a variety of products for you to choose.